Winnipeg ranks among the lowest of the country’s large urban centres in terms of greenspace, and our tree canopy is under threat from urbanization and insect damage. For the last 23 years, Awasisak Meskanow Greenway Inc (AMG) and community volunteers have been working on naturalizing the 4.5 km vacant corridor between the Red and Seine Rivers, running parallel to Abinojii Mikanah Boulevard. Our vision is to enhance this linear greenspace and to develop a nature corridor. Community consultations and open house events generated ideas on what the public wanted to see. Prominent on their list was a return to a natural environment that promoted biodiversity. Those thoughts gave berth to the conceptual plan that became known as Bittersweet Way, featuring a retaining wall and berm hosting native flowers, grasses and hardy wild rose bushes; and a secondary walking path that meanders through an urban forest, and past a historical commemorative circle. A site was selected next to St. Mary’s Road that could support permaculture and an urban food forest using native plant species. In the fall of 2019, the hardscape was completed and and our thoughts turned to developing the natural landscape. Our critera for selection included native or hard working trees/shrubs, that were drought tolerant, and suitable to soil and growing conditions for that area. Equally important were their contributions as food sources, shelter and nesting sites for birds and animals; and as attractions for pollinators. The urban forest area was to be conceptually divided into 3 sections: Native trees and shrubs (section A); mixed native vegetation with plants brought over by early settlers (Section B) and an urban fruit and nut food forest (section C). In 2023 Awasisak Meskanow Greenway received one of 77 grants awarded by Tree Canada. Tree Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments across our country. Foremost in their minds, is a plan that is viable and will be properly nurtured to ensure success. The grant covers the cost of purchasing and installing trees and shrubs for sections A and C as well as tree guards, soil, mulch and a very important 2-year watering and maintenance contract to help ensure the survival of the plantings. We spent the summer preparing, and then on September 23, 2023, 14 volunteers planted 80 trees and shrubs, applied tree collars and spread 25 yards of mulch – all in less than 4 hours!
With 40 trees and shrubs planted in section B in 2021, Bittersweet Way’s new urban forest now consists of 120 newly planted trees and shrubs providing a foundation for the future tree canopy and sub canopy. Over time we will adding the understory with taller perennials and cover layer. If you are interested in participating in this project and want join fellow community minded citizens please do not hesitate to reach out!
AuthorBoard members post updates about events and activities on the Greenway. Archives
March 2024
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